Statistics 4Th Edition
- the practice of statistics 5th edition
- the practice of statistics 6th edition
- Statistics 4Th Edition
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the practice of statistics 5th edition
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For this fourth edition, new topical coverage includes sections on Pareto distribution and the 80-20 rule, Benfords law, added material on odds and joint distributions and correlation, logistic regression, A-B testing, and more modern (big data) examples and exercises.. To quote from the preface, it is only when a student develops a feel or intuition for statistics that she or he is really on the path toward making sense of data.. Examples relating to data mining techniques using the number of Google queries or Twitter tweets are also considered.. Applications and examples refer to real-world issues, such as gun control, stock price models, health issues, driving age limits, school admission ages, use of helmets, sports, scientific fraud, and many others. Softonic Cleaner Mac